Friday, October 30, 2009

Progress (or, Blog-ress, haha!)

I'm still figuring out how to use the new blog/website, and I didn't realize that so many people had written to my new Gmail address, so last night I went through and found not only people interested in adopting, but people who had already adopted from me and wanted to send pictures of their piggies to show me how they're doing. Everyone I saw looks great, and I wanted to thank everyone for their support and interest. I always love to hear from folks who have adopted from me, and it's even better when they want to get another piggie to add to their family!
I am happy to say that one family is coming out Sunday to look at a pair, and another person is interested in Truffle and Biscuit, so our "herd" may be shrinking a bit in the next few weeks, but that means I will have more room to take in guinea pigs as needed. A few people have also offered cages for donation, which is much appreciated! In case anyone was wondering, I keep most of my guinea pigs in one room. My wonderful husband built me multiple shelves, so no one is sitting on top of anyone else. Two years ago the entire room was gutted and re-insulated so it is much warmer during the winter. A few cages spilled out onto my dining room floor, but again, it's warm and safe, and all the new piggies are getting into the "breakfast routine" in the morning, all squeaking for their food!

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