Monday, May 14, 2012


Ok, no pictures right now, but we have quite a few boys for adoption:
BOXIE has been placed with Jack, but would make a good single guinea pig for someone.  He is a brown/white shorthair with pink eyes, about 1 1/2 years old.
LUCKY is a beige/brown shorthair, loves to snuggle on your shoulder.  Very outgoing personality, about 2 years old.
VEGAS AND RENO...Both shorthair; Vegas is brown/white with very dark eyes that look like he has eyeliner on.  Reno is buff with pink eyes and is a bit larger than Vegas.  Although they may not be related, they are a bonded pair and must be adopted together.  Reno is also a "chirper" which is rare amongst guinea pigs!
BERTA is also available...she was Lotus's mom and is an orange/brown shorthair, about 1 1/2 years old.
I will try to get pictures up as soon as I can...sorry!!!

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