Monday, March 7, 2011


I got in touch with a woman who is taking in seven guinea pigs from a hospice situation (the owner just passed away and the family has no interest in caring for them). I was asked to take the two six-week old boys, and fortunately we just got another large spare cage that will be perfect for them. As soon as we get them I will take pictures to post, and hopefully they will be adopted soon!
In the meantime, poor Bo hasn't had anyone interested; I have decided to place Mort and Malcolm up for adoption as well as we are again at capacity!


  1. Hi! My name is Samantha, I am a foster for have a heart gp rescue in NJ. I went to SUNY Oswego, and I'm visiting this weekend. If this person needs any more help, I'd be willing to take a piggie or two back to foster...feel free to let me know!

  2. let me know if they need more help Jen. I've always got a little more room :)
