Monday, May 14, 2012


Ok, no pictures right now, but we have quite a few boys for adoption:
BOXIE has been placed with Jack, but would make a good single guinea pig for someone.  He is a brown/white shorthair with pink eyes, about 1 1/2 years old.
LUCKY is a beige/brown shorthair, loves to snuggle on your shoulder.  Very outgoing personality, about 2 years old.
VEGAS AND RENO...Both shorthair; Vegas is brown/white with very dark eyes that look like he has eyeliner on.  Reno is buff with pink eyes and is a bit larger than Vegas.  Although they may not be related, they are a bonded pair and must be adopted together.  Reno is also a "chirper" which is rare amongst guinea pigs!
BERTA is also available...she was Lotus's mom and is an orange/brown shorthair, about 1 1/2 years old.
I will try to get pictures up as soon as I can...sorry!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012


I see I have not updated this since Lotus passed away two weeks ago.  We have, since then, lost four more guinea pigs, all of them older, but it is still hard to lose that many in a short period of time.  Milo, Pudding, Jillian, and Joe have all gone on to the Rainbow Bridge in the last 14 days.  That puts our current count at 18, plus one as we have a new arrival coming today.  The same thing happened with a string of deaths last year; most of the guinea pigs were elderly, not living together, and not even near each other, so there is no illness being spread.  Unfortunately, we have had some guinea pigs here for 6-7 years, and I'm sure more will be leaving us as the weeks and months pass.   :(